We've Moved!

After 55 years of serving the best customers in the world,
we have moved. But, we are still here to serve you! 

Our Passion:

Buying, restoring, and reselling classic antique fixtures

Ken Stanley and his wife Rose have served from their shop in the heart of Chicago’s historic Lincoln Park for decades. Their shop has featured one-of-a-kind American Lighting Fixtures Circa 1840-1935, along with a  complete inventory of rare treasures from lamps to lampstands, from chairs to chandeliers.  

Though they have closed the doors to their shop on Clark St, they still have a limited inventory available. Call today for more info! 

What We Sell:

Though these particular pieces may no longer be available, this gives you an idea of the types of fixtures that Stanley Galleries Antiques sells. 

Crystal Fixture

3 Interior lights backlighting
the banjo crystals
Circa 1915-25
Length – 42″
Width – 20″

Ball Body Brass Fixture

With curlique arms and
clear opalescent shades
Circa 1900-15
Length – 22″
Width – 30″

5-Light Pan Fixture

1 light in center bowl with 4 hanging on each side
Carnival Glass Shades hanging from a large 18 inch diameter center bowl – all with decorated castles from Czechoslovakia
Circa 1918-20
Length – 38″
Width – 16″

Call Today!

By Appointment


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